A Good Artist Moment
2019 Intersection Show at Gallery C3 in Charlotte, NC
It was near the end of our 5 year sojourn in Charlotte.
Two years after moving from NYC to Charlotte, I’d been thrilled to discover and then join the super cool creative community at C3Lab. I had the cutest studio ever. I channeled my inner-flea-market-self by mixing vintage items in with my paintings, drawings and handcrafted tchotchkes. The monthly crawl nights where we invited the community into our studios were my favorite. I loved being part of the artist community, chatting with visitors and having the chance to show my art. C3Lab also featured its artists in an annual art show (Intersection). The shows were an amazing opportunity and lots of fun. But I confess to finding them a little stressful since a part of me couldn’t stop worrying that whatever I was making for the event just wouldn’t measure up…
This was my third and final time to participate in the Gallery C3 Intersection Show.
On opening night, I walked into a full gallery buzzing with energy and excitement.
People chatting, enjoying drinks, looking at the art, reading the artist statements.
People looking at MY piece. Not just glancing as they walked by. But stopping to really look. Getting up close and personal with it. Then stepping back for another look. And even reading my artist statement. How cool was that?
Endings make me sad.
I don’t like to say “good-bye”
I felt very bittersweet this evening as I prepared to move my family cross country.
But I wasn’t gone yet.
That night.
In the midst of my friends, my community.
My art hanging alongside theirs.
Our friends, our community around us.
It was a really good artist moment.
“My Koi” (collaged mixed media) sold in 2019